Update 1.4 - Work in progress

Hello there, it's been a while since I've posted here, but that's because I was very busy with upcoming update. There is a huge overhaul coming soon, I aim to improve the combat, pacing, level design, animations, visuals, AI, sounds and even menus, basically every part of the game.

So, I bit about the upcoming update:

Chapter 1:
There are some large changes to first chapter of the game, previously the forest levels dragged on for a bit too long, but this has been addressed now and those sections are now shorter, tighter packed and easier to navigate around. The rest of the chapter however has been replaced with completely new levels which will provide better storytelling and better combat, I'm still working on it so for now all I can say is that you will visit mental asylum which is largely imporatnt for backstory of a newly introduced character, it's strictly connected to power plant anomalies and origins of the story. Remaining levels of Chapter 1 will touch on the backstory of main character - Kyle in brand new levels with highly nightmarish abstraction (in a good sense).

Chapter 2 (part 1):
Since I've done a lot of work on remaking and improving a lot of existing aspects of the game, I can only release half of Chapter 2 for upcoming 1.4, but don't worry, the second half will come not long after that.
The first half of Chapter 2 will start with some massive horror action which will include some really dynamic encounters with monsters, anomalies and even human enemies, it will take place both in nightmares and in reality (in the game world sense) so prepare for a brand new experience. The theme and general direction of this chapter will be heavily industrial with a high dose of abstraction and artistic representations of the storms near power plant.

So this was the general overview of what you can expect in future posts and in update 1.4 once it comes out. On top of that I've done a lot of additions and improvements to the game mechanics, such as polishing the leaning mechanics, adding ADS reloads, remaking weapon animations, adding better procedural recoil, adding two new weapons (heavy pistol and grenade), adding human enemy types, adding graphical options to menus etc. I will give you a full list in next update post, for now enjoy this small combat showcase, I hope you like how the game plays now (WORK IN PROGRESS):

I can't give the exact release date but I hold my best hopes to release Update 1.4 this month.

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