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I respect the hell outta you, I remember when you swore you would never touch or talk about update 4 [I think? Sorry been awhile.] But now you have even updated it. I really respect your decision to move towards a more story and gameplay focused LS and hope that you continue to make more great games and content. You deserve the love.

Thanks a lot, I didn't plan on updating this game much since the compile times were very long due to the ammount of scripts and unsorted resources this game has, but since I got a new, more powerful one I can work more comfortably. Of course I also update the game for the people who bought it and support me and I will continue for years ahead as long as there is interest in this project.

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hey dude, when is the 4th update or is it a secret? or you cant do it yet since you doing somestuff or sum thing.

Hello there, currently I'm busy with other project so update 4 should come out in about a month or two.

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question, does the enemys hear? like if i shot a ak near them would they come here?

Yes, try shooting them at night where they have more limited field of view and they will still hear you.

There is suppressed pistol which can be used for stealth.

could you add like a feature where if they get shot they on their neck and hold it and then fall to the ground and die?


Yes, this feature is actually in the code but it's being overwritten by crawling animation. I can bring it back with some changes to the code, it will be in the upcoming update 4.


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So yea I payed for the game but how do I download the V3 version since I bought it like 2 years ago. Does it matter that I bought it on IndieDB?

It doesn't really matter, you should be able to download Update 3 from your itch account. For this login, go to "My libary" and from there choose "Final Response", click "Download" and you should get access to all updates. 

will there be a steam release?

possibly in future



what is in new update?

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spawn menu and gameplay improvements

How do you use it?

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spawn menu appears in sandbox mode and you simply drag and drop objects from it (hold mouse button over icon and drag where you want it to be placed)

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what gameplay improvements exactly?

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AI changes, regenerative health and couple minor adjustments 

do i need to pay for it again to get the update?


No, you get access to all updates by paying price of the game once

aye aye new update

Cool gory game but can you fix the c bug

yes, it will be fixed in upcoming update

we need updates!!!11 the last time i posted a comment was 2 years ago please please update this i beg you


Weapon update is planned soon, just be patient. This is NOT Helghasts main project, Leaden Sky is.

The update IS planned, maybe even this month


The update is out

Could you upload the game to Steam? I'm from Russia and we don't have an index. That's why I can't buy this game.

Steam release is planned, but it costs 100$ to release game there.

how do you type in commands?

F1 then type "help" to see the list of commands

I can see this coming but i need to confirm it.

Is there any connection between final response and leaden sky? I mean... Besides that they use a quite similar graphic motor (for not saying the same LMAO).

Final response is built on the Leaden Sky 4 engine and isn't meant for anything story wise and it's just for messed up digital gore loving people like us

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I purchased Final response. I used to play this on IndieDB before the Leaden Sky story mode came out which wasn't focused on gore anymore but, I was playing through the game and something didn't feel right, I searched up random madness's video on youtube and found this "PBR"type blood or the Procedural Blood Pools timestamp: 2:12. The blood pools form differently/randomly and go in the direction of a surface if it's slanted. The blood pools form in random patterns on flat surfaces too. Will this be added to the latest Final Response? Just curious. If that's even possible, I now notice that Leaden Sky story mode is more "3d"

Deleted 1 year ago

It was one of the coolest gore related features present in old demos of Leaden Sky, unfortunately implementing this would require a complete overhaul of the game which is not possible.

Is the gore final or will it be updated along with other stuff in the future?

I don't know if you were aware of this, but if you hold spacebar and left click with fists equipped you zip through the air very quickly


love the game I would love if in a new update there is reload animations, a bow and the bow actually kills people unlike the spear cause you get a headshot with the spear the the person is still alive as if they got shot in the leg, not very satisfying.

It's meant to showcase brain damage as you wouldn't instantly die if a metal pole skewered through your brain





or make a demo


There's no point to a demo because the game itself is pretty barebones and the main focus is the gore, giving you a demo defeats the point of putting this game up for sale so don't ask.


oh ok


can you make it free


Stop begging bro, nobody is making things free just because you begged. People make games for profit not for charity, you're probably too young to understand.


shut the fuck up faggot I'm just asking dickhead


says the one who's in his gramma's fucking basement


nah you shut the fuck up you live in YOUR grandmas basement since apparently you cant afford a $5 game


That comment was extremely immature, you just proved everything he said


man why are you so fucking angry are you 11


it's a 6 year old with a thirst for digital video game blood

Cześć,czy będziesz rozwijał też tą grę w przyszłości? Zastanawiam się nad zakupem, ale zastanawia mnie właśnie ta kwestia

Witaj, gra będzie czasem dostawała niewielkie aktualizacje, poprawki i kilka nowych broni

wondering if you gonna add more stuff to the game, would be cool more maps and maybe vehicles? or other type of npcs, even npc wars or deep setting stuff

I'll be mostly adding new weapons when I'm done with work on my main project


hell yes ghesty boy

helghast add an lasso

when I open the game, I can't move my mouse at all how can I fix this

sounds like hardware issue, check your mouse drivers and try turning on compability mode when running the game

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Will this game be updated? If so, will there be any global changes or only bug fixes?

It will get small updates and additions

how to get rebar?

see controls

i couldnt find it 

press 8 twice


Is there any demo of this version that I could play before hand?

no, just pay the 5$ it's mostly just a sandbox game with gore. still pretty good.

I have a issue where when i go to oopen the game this happens


You can add exception to windows defender to play the game

it does this 

As I said, you need to add file exception to windows defender

how i get rebar

it is telling me it isnt a trusted file ive turned off all security it still doesnt work and i bought it

hey could you make it so you can pick up body part and rip people in hla

it says it has an unwanted software or a virus what do i do

keep it downloaded that happens with most ITCH games

how u fix it hto

False-positive, Game Maker is old software by now and Windows doesn't recognize games made it in, but this is not a virus.
In future I'll be switching to newer engine and this issue won't appear anymore

how soon will you switch?and is there a alternative way to play the game?

Not for this project but for my future ones.

You can add exception to windows defender to play the game


I'm basically freely advertising your game, you're welcome bro you deserve it.

That's nice, thanks

i saw the tiktok on my fyp lol i told someone who asked why its not free that its been in development for a long ass time or at least leaden sky has been i remember seeing it once in a youtube vid and forgot the name but rlly wanted to try it and then voila it pops up on my fyp thanks for that (:

Oh that's so cool! No problem brother :>

I find it funny that leaden sky update 5 feels alot more gorier


It was more detailed and realistic, too bad people criticized it for being less gory, otherwise it would be used as base for this game.

Boa tarde, acabei de comprar o final response, mas não recebi os arquivos. Onde os consigo?

Olá, você precisa entrar em contato com sobre isso, não faço vendas, apenas listo o jogo

bro i bought this 1 year ago now is telling me to buy it again??? is there an fix?

Then contact support,I don't control the sales

Are you sure? There usually is an option at the top of the screen saying that you have purchased this before and to download it again

Chainsaw, Minigun, More Melee, Throwing knives/Stars. Double barrel. Please Add more armor for the enemies in the sandbox. Like different armor variants. Heavy armor. Light armor. Helmets. Knee and elbow pads etc. Would Love a bow of some sort. Spears, please add spears. Also Love the game very stress relieving lol. 

Also add more environmental objects in sandbox. So, I can throw someone off something.


a minigun would be awesome. you should also add a option to rip off limbs that would be sick

i dont own the game but..
this is violent

Yeah it's great.

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