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will there be a level editor(for both Leaden Sky and Final Response)?


Final Response might have more advanced spawn menu, Leaden Sky won't have level editor 



very great game very interesting love it


Nice game

Hello. I am from the YT comment. I figured it out, could you help me here

Never mind, it worked! But it says it created by Lukasz Zagawa? Is this normal?

Glad to hear that, Łukasz Zagawa is my real name as you can see in the credits, Helghast is just my nickname 

Oh! Thanks

Hey! I figured it out. Can you help me more here?

What is the difference between the standard file and the R2 one?

R2 file has better compability and should run on almost any PC

Very good game but you should try to add more ways to kill your ennemies.

please make something that can tell me when the enemys are dead and maybe a command that allows me to bring a enemy back to life.


also please add more melee throwables like knifes and increase the work it takes to make enemys fall down unless you shoot them

oof my discord acc got disabled

Good game, but i suggest to add more things and modality!


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trying to launch it on my windows 10 but it isnt working its turning into a unconfirmed  download like 3 and 4 of leaden sky

Strange, maybe it's antivirus blocking it?
Considering it's an exe file instead of installer 

(1 edit)

nevermind had to press keep anyway


is it possible for this to be ported onto the updated engines i,e;  leaden sky u5?

Possible but it would be missing grabbing, impalement, most melee weapons, firearms and other things

this may sound really ignorant, but couldn't you try to reimplement that into the newer engine?

YOU SHOULD ADD A CHEATS MENU oops my bad caps lock. in the cheat menu you should add infinite health and bullets so i dont lose my sanity trying to get 1 kil

Press F1 and use cheat commands

(1 edit)

are you still updating leaden sky? i havent seen anything new for a while

Yes, Update 6 for Leaden Sky is being actively developed, you can take a look on some of the posts here:

when do you think it will be released?

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In a couple of weeks, I don't want to pressure myself and there is still lot to do

It's gonna be worth it

i think you should make an option in leaden sky for it to be this gory and add the stomp its good for saving ammo

This won't happen since that gore system is very limiting and it's not possible to efficiently implement it into complex game.

I like this game :)

when i press c the game crashes. I don't think thats intended

it's a leftover from older function that's no longer there, it will be removed in future

will fall damage be fixed? only on sandbox mode one bandit falls and actually break the leg lol,also maybe ragdoll to kyle when he dies?

I'm not having issues with fall damage. What version are you using?

i'm talking bout sandbox mode,im using all versions to see,when u spawn a bandit uphigh or push it withoud clicking he dosent break his legs like the one thats default on platform

yes he does...ive seen proof of it in game


I know how much this all annoyed you so I have to say you're a very good sport for making this, thank you and I hope you can make a little extra money from it, def worth 5 bucks.

Thanks, the extra cash does help indeed, considering it was really hard and time consuming to create this game.

hi i have an idea for a weapon to put in your game, and some other random ideas


-spear that you can stab with lmb and throw with rmb 

-throwing knife (makes sense

suppressed MP7 and MP5

and a chainsaw by itself


random ideas

- more high platforms in sandbox


and thats it, i hope you put this in the game one day, as i do not know how to make games

- ok(ok)



The chainsaw will probably be added at some point, suppressed weapons might be added, spear is unnecessary since you have rebar already

A spear could be awesome if it was a melee weapon. So you can impale people on it. It doesn't have to be throwable.

(2 edits) (+1)

since its a gore sandbox, some misc weapons and more crazy melee weapons would be fun and interesting to use, like a sword or harpoon gun, just seems fitting for what is a basically a gore sandbox, also a riot shield would be cool due to how hard it is not to trade damage and would open up and would open up a more fast paced style due the whole trading damage thing, one last thing to add is that it would also be fitting if you could change your masks, the theme seems to be that the guy were playing as is a crazy murderer so having mask customization would be fitting with the serial killer cliche.

ew swords,machette would be better instead of sword

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Mask customization might be added, not sure about melee weapons since they are hard to add

if it happens to you wanting to add some new enemy here my idea,human demented version like the police thing but he isnt a zombie,and fights the bandits OR a new zombie type like wicked but its more weaker and it comes a lot of them like 3/4 each group,and they dont drop the skeleton spirit thing


I will think about new enemy types, not sure if it's gonna be zombie tho

what bout bandit gangs like they sometimes fight eachother since they are bandits


next update character customization would be so cool including gender swapping and skintone options

black kyle moment


yeah lol

i kinda wanna see it lol


Not planned, but you can mod the textures if you want


You crash by pressing "C" idk how and why.

leftovers from older engine, will be removed in future update

also f2 crashes 


It doesn't, it just shows unfinished controls help message, when you click "ok" the game continues.


Hey roz! when you press c on final response it simply crashes the game


Oh, I forgot to remove it, will do that in future update


(1 edit) (+1)

Update 2 is out, go check it out!
(see file section and download the update)

There are 2 new guns:
- TAR-21
- P90

I also added:
- level selection screen
- option to turn on classic blood spray
- option to turn off post processing (bring back colors)

And on top of that I made alternative version called R2 which should run on almost any PC without previous issue

does the r2 makes the game more smoothw


It should run faster

alrite,oh yeah also will there be a final response server? i remember u said that there was one but it wasnt ready yet the server


yep, almost ready


love the new update. Please consider adding mp 40 its a classic


I picked up 2 finalists: stg44 and P90 

vote which one should make it into the game, post a comment under this one with name of the gun you like more, it's the final hours to vote!


P90 for life

P90 it is then

MP 40 or stg 44 would be my choice 

(3 edits) (+3)

I'm finishing the update, any new weapon you want to be added into Final Response? Make a comment with the weapon name, the one which gets most votes will be added into the game. (must be a firearm)

Voting ends in about 8h




I have been a fan of leaden sky for a while, and was not disappointed. it is very fun to play and i highly recommend getting it yourself. If i had to give some suggestions, it would be possibly to make an option to choose your location before launching instead of using commands, and switch out commands with toggles before hitting play. It would make the game seem less like a test and more like a complete game. Like i said, its not a big deal.(also i know this was mentioned but being able to toggles between black and white and original would be great). Overall, thank you for the game, its everything i thought it would be.


This game is everything I wanted. I love the gore and atmosphere in this. Thanks for a making a gore version of leaden sky. I can't wait till the full Leaden Sky comes out. 

every time i try to play the game it kicks me out of it and shows me this message

FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation ShaderName: sh_postprocessing D3DXCompile failed - result at gml_Object_world_controller_Draw_74 

 stack frame is gml_Object_world_controller_Draw_74 (line -1)

Seems like you are playing on integrated graphics and your GPU is unable to compile shader.

I'll be making update for this quite soon so you will be able to play in upcoming update.

The update 2 is out, go check out R2 version, it should run for you

I have question why it didnt give me files after i buy Final response?

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That's weird, I set up everything properly, if you still have the issue you can contact support, but before that make sure you use the account from which you bought the game, scroll down for downloads or see if there is any notification on your profile.

By the way you have to manually download the update file.

it's really good so far! however, i really want that console command from update 5 to be added where you could just press the middle mouse to spawn in enemies.

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I plan some simple spawn menus turned on with button 

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Holy shit!
Really brutal

Edit: does it have virus?

beacuse it says final response.exe virus detected.

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There are no viruses, the game is 100% guaranteed safe. All games on itch are scanned with multiple anti-virus programs before release so there isn't even a chance of publising a virus.

What you are seeing is called false positive, it's when a file, most likely exe (like a game) needs to save data on disk, this behaviour is often mistakenly taken as "virus" by anti-virus programs. This issue is known to Game Maker since 2015 but nobody ever fixed it. 

Other GM devs have the same issue
I would probably need to make installer instead of exe to avoid this false-positive warning


i made a video about final response,i just added age restriction since youtube is weird with gore content




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I'm happy to announce that Final Response update is coming in 2-3 weeks with new gameplay options, new level, some new guns and other cool things

(might take more if I'm busy)

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Fun game, not as good as leaden sky of course, like the other guy said a normal color palette option would be cool, also maybe an option to limit the size of the huge blood splatters as they cover up alot of the enemys body and kind of ruins the gore as you cant see it properly, though its kinda a nitpick, anyways fun game good job.


That shouldn't be a problem, I'm planning some modifiers in upcoming update



The game is great, simple and gives you one task. Kill. The only thing i wish were added is color. The game would be much better if it looked just like leaden sky. Dev please add color to this game or a color option because I see great potential in this game and in leaden sky. consider adding color and keep up the great work!


Thanks and sure, I'll add option for that

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