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When will the story continue?All updates are installed only at the Outskirts location

(1 edit)

That's because it's a demo, there is only Introduction and Chapter 1, only the full game will feature the full story.

There is a bigger update coming which will expand the two existing chapters and add some new mechanics to it, you will have additional level after the outskirts aswell. I'm currently working on that update and I hope to release it this month.

(2 edits) (+1)
Leaden Sky (New Update) - A Metro and S.T.A.L.K.E.R Inspired Brutal 2D Horror Shoote

It's now 2025 and this game is getting more and more amazing, can't wait to play the full version

Thank you, and great video!


This game is awesome!

Story, ambient, sounds,weapons and anomalies are 10/10! Hope you get this project again and finish it. I leave my gameplay here (Spanish). Hope you enjoy it!

PD: I bought Leaden Sky: Nightmares to give it a try because the Lore is really interesting. I'll upload a video of this game on next days and hope you enjoy it too.


Thanks you very much! I've watched your whole video with subtitles and gave you a comment and a like :)

This project had just resumed development last year and I will be giving it another update once I finish Leaden Sky: Nightmares Update 1.4 which I'm currently working on:

By the way the version of LS:Nightmares you are about to play (1.3.2) is a prequel to the story you saw in 2D, it is a bit outdated and it's missing a lot of things, but don't worry, I'm releasing a huge update this month and it will add a ton of new content. Anyways, I hope you will enjoy the current version and I will of course watch your gameplay video as soon as it releases.


That sounds great!!! Ill try de 1.3.2 version and obvously when new version arrive ill try too. You have a good project in hands!!

is there a sandbox mode

Nope, it's not type of game, never was, but here is something that might interest you instead:


the 2022 version doesn't hit the same.....I could go on a rant about how it feels like a massive downgrade but it's clear you chose the direction of your game already, I wish you luck on future development.

(2 edits) (+2)

Thanks for wishing me luck, tho I would have to disagree with you here. I'd say that every aspect including gameplay, story, art, sound, level design, pacing, atmospere and general polishing is at it's highest compared to all previous versions, the only downgrade I could think of would be the gore effects (for better stability, balance and performance), but the game doesn't focus on gore anyways.

I'm still interested to hear why you didn't like this one so go ahead.

Maybe I was too harsh in calling it a downgrade, I didn't mean it as a hate but more so just sharing my opinion. The main thing that set this game apart for me was not so much the gore, I can live without that, but mainly it was the visible way enemies reacted to bullet impacts, you could immediately tell where you struck them and see that it affects them, which was awesome and added variety to the gameplay. Now they just tank body shots as if nothing happened until they suddenly drop dead. Some minor things that I also didn't really like was the platforming parts. And I will agree with you that the atmosphere is great, but maybe there is too many of those electric monsters at once in some parts, I think it would improve the atmosphere if they were more powerful but there was less of them. Regardless I am a fan of your work and have purchased Final Response in the past to show my support and to be able to play the old build, and I hope this project turns out well.


I see, it is a bit hard to create proper hit animations in 2D (this issue is being solved in 3D), but there are still some reactions to bullets (different ones for legs, chest and head) with a longer knock back animation if you hit enemies either quickly or with a powerful weapon (like magnum or shotgun). Previously in old versions it depended where you hit them, sometimes they ignored bullets but most of the time enemies fell to the ground and had to get up, on paper this sounds great, but it introduced some gameplay issues as the enemies didn't have much chance to fight back, so I decided to go with a more classic approach. I'm still planning to improve enemy reactions to attacks and adding more animations but I will be approaching this topic carefully so that the gameplay and difficulty won't suffer.
When it comes to ammount of enemies on screen I did some experiments like you suggested - less enemies, but harder and tougher but the testers said that the game got a bit boring and the enemies were bullet sponges so I decided to make them weaker but increase thier number. It is pretty hard to balance this type of enemy, but I got some ideas planned for future such as introducing new enemy type that would work in synergy with current ones.

Also I just want to say that I'm still here, I still care about the project and I'm willing to improve it, hopefully you might find the upcoming version a lot more enjoyable.
Anyways thanks for the support, I appreciate it very much.


Thank you for explaining, now I can understand your choices better, and I will definitely be checking the future versions out

Leaden sky 2024?



Patiently Awaiting


It's out now

will play

mis felicitaciones a Helgast_95 una gran hazaña este juego, es lo mejor de lo mejor que jugue en mi vida, mi infancia.Me gustaria poderme unir a su server de discord pero no se como T-

i just noticed your name is based off killzone, my dumbass thought people were talking about you recently but no it was just the mean guys from killzone heh


Guys, please tell me how to contact Helghast_95 so that I can be unbanned from Discord? It's just that I was hacked a few days ago and someone was sending out ads on my behalf.


Hey, I saw what happened, we will unban your account but make sure you secure it better now. Also what was your username? I can't seem to find you.

Hello,my nickname CerealGuitar

You can join the server now

(1 edit) (+1)

i remember i played this when i was nine? or somethin. i only downloaded it cause of the gore. here i am again on a new account and im. truly living in the past again (=


soooo... is this still gonna get updated as a side scroller?


At some point yes, in couple of months.
Currently this project is on hold while I'm working on LS: Nightmares.


This game is actually pretty nice other 2d devs should take notes


why are all of the  Related games porn?


The game contains lots of violence, so it is in 18+ category



just beat inhumane difficulty, absolutely fantastic, the combat sometimes switches from pure action (when fighting monsters), to more controlled action (when fighting humans), with a few nice and easy puzzles, and the 1st miniboss was quite fun to fight, altho that teleport was quite suprising.


Thanks a lot, I plan some more enemy types and expanding the miniboss concept with additional mechanics. I plan to add some randomized events after defeating monsters such as spawning anomalies and stuff like that to make it feel more dynamic. 


nice, another small thing I noticed was how the anomalies (creatures) only appear in dark areas


Fantastic game ,  but man the enemies are brutal  unless you  use explosive ,  i  didn't  know the  Out skirt was the end of the demo until i  wiped out the horde of  monsters  then trying the  gate at the end by pressing up 


Thanks a lot, I'm glad you liked the demo ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

i have a problem, i cant donwload the demo 1.2, when i try, its just disapears when complets the donwload, im doing something wrong?(sorry for the bad english, im brazilian)

edit: forget what i said, it worked now

eae man tu é br? eu entendo ingles e esse provavelmente  n é o projeto principal de Helghast

is there a date or a month that the 2023 ver is gonna com out?

(1 edit) (+3)

"Ready when done" will always be my answer. More time spend on project only means that it gets better than previously planned.

And oh boy, this one is huge, recently it got much bigger than I planned, actually it's gonna be my dream game.

Additionally keep in mind, I'm planning to finish Leaden Sky: Nightmares soon so I'll be taking a break at least for a month, but I'll be back to working on main game as soon as I'm done.



Why is Kyle so massive in size in comparission with Joanna? Not like there was something bad with that but is quite...Strange? I even can't believe what i'm saying. Like if that wasn't normal but at the same time it is a very rare case... Mmm. It lets you thinking on the "Why?"

Lets get out of this absurd topic. Look, a photo of a kitty:

(1 edit) (+2)

because hes a chad and a gentle giant, simple


So, what's the order of the code for the second door? I know to follow the arrow, but that doesn't exactly help when there's multiple floors. I'm too dumb for this. ;-;


Go to the highest floor, pick the number on the left side, then go to the right side, same floor and pick the second number.

Then go downstairs, pick number on left side then right side same floor.

It looks like this:

top floor (numbers left to right) + floor below (numbers left to right)

Numbers are randomized each time you reload the game



Very cool, liked your video!


where is update 6



no fr this was the best version

(1 edit)

This game is just a miracle!But I have a few questions:

1) When should we wait for the plot update in 2023?

2) Will the bandits from the old versions be added to the game in the update? 

3) Will there be an update of the dismemberment, since there is very little dismemberment in the new version of the Leaden Sky

4)Will the game be ported to Android?

P.S:I can't find the 2014 Leaden Sky anywhere.Where can I find her?


Thanks, as for your qestions, new update will launch likely this month with new story elements, bandits will not return to the game, the dismemberment will stay as it is and Leaden Sky is PC only game.


Hurtful.And I was hoping that these merry fellows would come back to us.And also I was hoping that I could play on my phone while waiting at the bus stop :(

But the mercenaries won't be the only group, will they?Will there be military, civilians or looters?


any updates? lol


I usually post everything on my Discord server, that's why I rarely post anything here.

It's going to take some time before next update because I plan to put it on Steam, but yes, it's absolutely in works and it will completely blow your mind when it comes out.
Things have changed and improved once again and I'm close to finishing the power plant level which now will be the first playable level.

It's very important for the story so I'm taking extra time to get it right


oh fuck yes, also graphic settings are gonna come on next update too?


Yes, a decent amount of them

hehe ysus


I spam kind of but really interested in your dev so got to ask questions.

1) Will be game based on moments? ( Like Spec Ops: The Line ), will you make more variants of character due to story like:

1: Start - Clean outfit & no damage

2: Half - Dirty outfit, a bit damaged & bandages that cover wounds

3: End - Tottaly ruined outfit, damaged as well & morally killed after all that has he done ( Due to his nightmare world because of the stuff he survived and his travel. )

2) Will be almost every detail connected to story? ( Like how he see world and any living object in his nightmare )

3) How long game planned to be?


1 - Yes, the story will influence character look in some ways, aside from that there will be major character development due to events in storyline.

2 - Lots of details will be connected to either main storyline or world building. I plan to make extensive use of environmental storytelling and put a lot of small details into character's dialouges, I even consider adding some dialouge options which would serve for additional, more detailed information for the player for those who are interested.

3 - The game is planned to be around 4-6 hours at least, might even hit the 8 hour mark but I can't guarantee that.
I plan to have some replayability with some freedom of exploration, optional world detail to discover and even some secret areas.


Made Steam game profile concept or something like this for fun.

Hope you like.


Looks cool, but I prefer drawing unique art cover for Steam page instead of using a screenshot

I'm not a artist so i just used A.T.M.O.S.P.H.E.R.E. video from your Leaden Sky channel.

Hope you will get money to upload Leaden Sky on Steam.


Still pretty cool, I plan to put the next demo version on Steam

Ohh, waiting for it!

hey man ive been trying to get old updates of leaden sky so i can play the gore testing. I wanna know if its still possible


No, but you can this game:

oh alr thanks ill save up

I registered on just to say that

1)  Leaden Sky will make insane popularity kick in Russian countries so you better make ru text ( maybe even voice dub ). I say that as Russian one

2) You can get your money from Final Response and try to upload Leaden Sky on Steam when it will be done ( If you still have savings from Final Response )

You're the second dev that i follow in my life so i wait for full game version.

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Thanks a lot, I'm glad you like my game this much, as for the languages I currently only plan two: my own (Polish) and English which is universally used.
The voices are going to stay the same because there is a story reasons behind those (some characters natively speak Polish because the game takes place there and foreigners speak English, this is just for better immersion)

At some point after release of the game, I'll be adding various other languages to the game when I earn enough funds for it and I'll have more time of course.

It can be a bit difficult to make a proper file system for it, but I'm sure I can figure something out some day. In any case I'll try to keep text files open for modding if anyone wanted to translate it by themselves

Thanks for answer. Good to know.


No problem


May i ask you?

How long you carry your idea ( Leaden Sky ) ? I saw your old versions with 10 year old like.


It goes back to 2010, I actually finished Leaden Sky many years ago but never released it because I wasn't satisfied with it. During that time I started over many times, it was just a hobby for me

when i open the game the screen is stuck on the loading screen, but i can hear the music and can click the menu buttons, gpu problem or is there a fix?


Try turning on OpenGL support in your graphics card

I have 2 questions

1.Can we still get acces to older versions of the game

2.Why don't you want the game to be modded, it would be tons of fun:D

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Because older versions of the demos were too old, they were just prototypes that are no longer representative of final product, thus no longer serve the purpose of a demo.
They are not even remotely close to how finished game will look like, so to avoid confusion they were removed.

To allow easy modding the game needs to be specifically designed for it which makes it more difficult for developer. I have a certain vision in mind and I want the game to stand strong on it's own. If this was a sandbox game then not having mods would be an issue, but story based games are totally fine without modding support.


1. They were pretty old I know, but I would love to just go back to the old game to play around with the old gore, dont call me a freak or a weirdo but you know that there are some gore games fans

2. I understand, can't change your mind about it, maybe in the futute you can make a sandbox game based on leaden sky if you have time, I would certainly play one, duh I would even pay some good money for a game like this if there will be one. Thats just a suggestion, for now I wish you best luck with the game development. A tak w ogóle, jestem z Polski, dumny mieszkaniec Częstochowy i obrońca Jasnej Góry;))  


Dzięki wielkie, jak chcesz pograć w starą wersję skupiającą się na sandboxie to zrobiłem osobną grę od tego bazującą na jednym z mocno ulepszonych dem, gra kosztuje 5 dolców: 


where is the sky leading?

is this being worked on still?




btw how do i get past the code door?


in nightmare section you need to use keypad and kill all spawning enemies, the code will appear after that.
In warehouse in outskirts you need to read numbers from windows and follow the order which the arrow is pointing 



dang no Mac support man hopefully you can add it before you completely done


I can try but I can't promise it will work

yaayyayaayaya lol sorry for taking so long to re reply

I need help with the door puzzle in chapter one. i have 47 0 with an arrow and 0.


numbers are randomized each time you load the game, go to the top floor and follow the order which arrow is pointing out


i gotta say this is a masterpiece and i think this is the best itchio game

Many thanks!


keep it up man my brother and i have been waiting a really long time for this and i'm really liking the military direction in which this is going, although the gore does seem toned down in this version


Thanks a lot!


this is so good.
i understand why people are confused/unsatisfied with tuning down some aspects of the game, like gore, but i think its a necessary step in game developing.
same happened with lots of games - they scrapped some of the original content (which was really good prior) for other ideas. its a inevitable step in game developing ig.
please continue developing.

(2 edits) (+2)

Thanks a lot, game development is a very complex topic, behind every change there are multiple reasons so I'm glad you can understand this and I wish there were more people like you.

Anyways, thanks for the comment, I will definitely continue development until the game is fully released.



whats the new update?


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